Local newspapers might be keeping mum on this but I've read news from an Indonesian and UK press that people were arrested for doing so.
Today, I read this news about the poco-poco dance and how it somehow relates to sex and alcohol.
One party wants it to be banned, another says there's no reason for it as,
"People are basically doing it for exercise with no religious intentions behind it,"
Same thing with Valentines, I'm pretty sure most muslims who celebrate it doesn't care about the Christian history behind it. It's just a time for them to declare and show their love. Though if some of them got out of line and had sex (premarital sex, which is Haram) then you'd have the right arrest them under the Syariah law. I would question the methods on finding that out but I'll keep it to myself for now.
Just don't go arresting every Muslim couple you see on the streets and banning something for the sake of showing power...
With all these banning maybe one day they'll ban all forms of exercises eg. Tai Chi because it was created by a pig-eater.
Not all Muslims are close minded though, it's just that they are the ones you usually see in the news and TV.