Friday, September 30, 2011

Movies and technological advancements

Mainly horror genre.
Movies tend to have this cliché of victims reaching for the phone and realizing there's no dial tone because the perpetrator has severed the vulnerable phone cable lines connecting to the house from outside. Creates the suspense that you can't call for help. 

Now, with cellphones, they do the same thing (in cases that apply) but the victims would first check their mobile phones and noticing there's no signal or the battery's dead before reaching for the phone. 

In the future, will this continue by adding another scene?
Eg. Before checking their mobile phone and the land line, they would check their telepathy capabilities or gps phones? Heck everything might be in space and things such as phones/ dialling will be obsolete.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wow.. the new dynamic theme on blogger

Looks hella-cool... but my sidebar informations are gone!!!! Maybe I should revert back

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I is sad.... T_T
Gonna lose my email in less than a month