Sunday, April 15, 2012

Song of the month April 2012

R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People

I want a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket~

I want a girl with a mind like a diamond
I want a girl who knows what's best
I want a girl with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes

I want a girl with the right allocations
Who's fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's playing with her jewelry
She's putting up her hair
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack

I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnng jacket......

I want a girl who gets up early
I want a girl who stays up late
I want a girl with uninterrupted prosperity
Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

She is fast and thorough
And sharp as a tack
She's touring the facility
And picking up slack

I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnng.... lonnng jacket

I want a girl with a smooth liquidation
I want a girl with good dividends
At Citibank we will meet accidentally
We'll start to talk when she borrows my pen

She wants a car with a cupholder arm rest
She wants a car that will get her there
She's changing her name from Kitty to Karen
She's trading her MG for a white Chrysler La Baron

I want a girl with a short skirt and a lonnnnggggggggg jacket

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bomohs/ Witch Doctors/Chinese Doctors/ Farmers How did they exist?

Ever wondered how traditional medicine came about? A facebook status of a friend of mine mentioned bomohs(Malay witch doctor?) and it got me thinking. How do these people decide on how to heal you? In Malaysia, recently there has been many incidents of bomohs raping their young female customers with claims that by having intercourse with the bomohs, it'll cleanse them of any ailments. Didn't go well for the bomohs as they were then arrested.

Now lets say for these 'doctors', a long long long time ago when they first started their way of trade. I'm writing based on the more commonly perceived witch doctors in Africa/ traditional chinese doctors. So there they are, in the forest and then one day decided to take this weed, crush it, boil it and feed/apply it to patients. What if it was poison? I doubt back then they have the time and resources to figure out the medicinal benefits of herbs/rhino horns. It's like it all just went into their heads from their imaginations and finding the more rarest random plant/exotic animal and turned them into 'medicine'. Like how farmers go "Hey, let me pull on my cows tits and drink the juice that comes out of it!".

How??? Why did they do that?? What got into their heads?? I guess this can be a topic of conversation with friends at a mamak~

Zombies don't scare me like they used to

When I was a kid... I used to have nightmares about zombies... 
Now I have dreams where I'm a hero killing off zombies.

‎...and to some girls, when they were kids, they probably have nightmares about werewolves and vampires. 

....Damn you twilight!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Fake Dr. Dre Beats

The Monster manufactured Dr. Dre Beats headphones seem to be the craze in Malaysia... but for the wrong reasons. I was in Times Square yesterday and I noticed that these headphones were being sold for RM30-50 for a pair(with various colors). Yes, they are the counterfeit ones. I took a look at one of the demo units, looks authentic and the build quality looks solid. Much like my sis's earphones her friend bought for her birthday last year.

(My sis got a Beats Tour for her birthday last year from the friends. The box and everything looks ori for the most parts but once you start listening to music on it... it literally shits music into you ears. It's horrible making me think of the present her friends bought her is a knock of... which I still think it is since it is now rotting in one of her drawers after the earpiece broke off)

So there I was helping my mom getting a new screen protector for her new iPhone4S and I noticed this middle-aged looking lady trying out the headphones. At the end of the day she bought it. I thought,
"Hmmmm maybe she's getting it for her son/daughter.... boy would they be disappointed"
Then another guy came over and took a look at them. He tried it on and even plugged the demo unit into his mp3 player. I thought he'd realize that it would sound horrible... he bought one for himself. How could this guy who seem to know about headphones and music quality to test the headphones on the spot succumb to buying it???

I then recalled in forums that someone was selling off fake beats headphones. I don't remember how much it costs but it was definitely more than RM30-50. People were bidding for it, people were shunning it and saying that you should buy the original. What struck me was when the seller said something along these lines,
"People buy it mostly for the looks and fashion. This would be a good fashion accessory."

Much like how Skullcandy's are in the US (used for fashion IMO), these fake beats are being sold for most probably the same reason. An original beats in Malaysia from what I can remember costs about RM1.5k-3k which is way more than what Americans pay for a pair of overpriced sub-par headphones (USD200-500). It seems to be an Asian thing. A privilege. I would say the same people that buys these are probably the same ones who buys iPhones/iPads and are Apple crazy based on my observations.

So what can be done? Nothing. Since the companies that actually sell better headphones don't get the recognition among the masses because they did not invest much into their advertising as compared to Apple and Monster (i H.A.T.E. Monster brand). Enough to cause majority of the Asian/Malaysian market to buy/crave to own an iPhone/iPad and to buy Monster Beats headphones based on Monster's advertisements even though they're fakes.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weird Dreams : Nightmares?

Two days ago, zombie dolls, teddy bears and hamsters haunted my dreams. They are trying to get me. They're forcing their way into my room....