Friday, April 6, 2007

Updates on my half deadness....

I'll seperate this into parts....

-April 1st,
I got attacked by an unknown trojan known as rdriv.sys which makes my antivirus pop up warnings. Even though i tried to heal, move it to vault OR even delete it, that file keeps recovering itself....

Think of me as Neo and that virus is Mr.Smith. No matter how many times i kill him, he wont die unless i let him kill me.... Which is EXACTLY what happened =.=

So what to do? I mind as well install the "FREE" vista DVD i recieved 3 months later after buying my laptop. It was a promotional offer...... but wait.. the DVD aint free. I have to pay $21.50 to have it mailed to my doorstep.... and it's not the OEM version... it's the upgrade version. Still, it's much cheaper than buying it at retail price of RM 185 (you do the math).
Thus I shall end this 1st section with a picture of how it looked like before i installed vista =.=

*Will update later... i gtg out first*

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