Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer classes

During spring I never thought summer classes will be this taxing.
7 hours a day for four days a week and I'm not getting paid for this. I'm paying for this.

So what's this 7 hours a day class? Che325 or chemical engineering lab.
Well I was excited at first cuz this is my first REAL lab class. Things didn't go so well....

Since it's summer, every week I'll have to work on an experiment and every week I'll have to hand in either a lab report or give a presentation on it.

Tedious and time consuming as it is, I'm not supposed to share any info with my lab partner besides the data we collected during the experiment process.
Again not helping are the very very strict grader who even points out that I'm missing a FULLSTOP, italic fonts and weird indentations.

It's stressful....
I'm so glad that's over..... now next week... it's english 314.... 1 hour every day of the weekday

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