Monday, September 28, 2009

There is no rewind button in life.

Have you ever done something stupid and regretted it only hoping to go back in time to avoid it?
You wonder, "Is this really happening? GO BACK! GO BACK!".
Nothing happens.
What's left on your hands are the shattered pieces which can't be put back together.
Time slows down.
You figure out ways to repair and fix the situation. It is only temporary. The damage is irreversible.
Then reality hits you. Nothing can be done. You might decide to put the blame on someone else. You might try to stand your ground. In the end, you'd still have to clean up your mess.

I've done many mistakes.
I feel guilty for most of my mistakes.
It all feels like the first time.


Theo.c said...

I think it's a good thing that there isn't a rewind button for life.. ensures that you focus on the future instead of repeatedly revisiting the past.

Kyosuke said...

Yea, but I can't help thinking what would've happened if I did this instead of that. How much would it change me today.