Sunday, January 8, 2012

Please friends, don't be like these people

Found something on reddit :

EDIT: She has deleted my comment and blocked me from Facebook.
On the bright side, it's probably best that I stay away from idiots like her.

"Yeah that's harsh. What's even more ridiculous is that I'm pretty sure even in the bible (I know the quran does and they are very similar in a lot of ways) it still says to love the non-believers. It's god's responsibility to judge people and not anyone else's. So unless I'm mistaken, if she really did truly follow the bible... she believes you are going to hell for being an atheist, but her making such comments also damn her to hell." -Comment

"It's god's responsibility to judge people and not anyone else's" 

and I would like to apologize for my future/present/past self if I were to be hypocritical about this statement and do the same thing to any of you. 

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