The last paper is always the hardest to study for. I have only four classes this semester.
BBMB301 : Exam throughout the whole week of the exam week can be taken at anytime
ChE430 (Senior design class) : Due at 6pm today. Just need my group members to proof read the report and hand it in to our professor and I'm done with this class.
ENVS 324 : Best 3 out of 4 exams, best 5 out of 6 quizzes. The 4th exam is the final comprehensive paper. I've already aced the class before the final paper so I can just skip that.
Math307 : Monday 9.45am til 11.45am
So basically after I hand in my report for che430 I only have to worry about two exams.
The problem is... I H-A-T-E BBMB. Hate studying for it. It bores me unlike envs 324 which was an interesting class and thus easy to absorb all the facts even if it's statistical and geographical data.
Math307 I've been doing well and understanding more. But the professor tends to be notorious with the exam questions. After Math 307 I fear that I would even care less about BBMB. I think that's what happened to the last exam I had last semester. The final paper I kinda lacked in studying for it and got a bad score for it.
The LAST exam paper is always the hardest....