Saturday, January 15, 2011

Zodiac sign of my college years (well.. first 24 years of my life)

So I've heard that some astrological association decided to finally change the dates for each zodiacs and added in a 13th zodiac, Ophiuchus.

So for 24 years I've been a Scorpio (and happy with it) and now I've gotta change to a Libra....
Downgraded from a scorpion to balance scales...

What about horoscopes? Kudut mentioned that he's changed from a Libra to a Virgo... but Virgo's are said to be neat. No, kudut isn't neat as admitted by him.

So how does horoscope predictions/behaviors adjust to the change? Will all the traits of a scorpio (before the change) be under Libras instead?

More info on why astrologist's decides to change it can be watched in the video below.

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