Sunday, February 28, 2010

Earthquake relief

Another earthquake in the last 3 months. This time it hits Chile.
Along with the devastation of the earthquakes, there is a possible chance a tsunami will hit the islands in the pacific bin.

Source :

The last few months I've seen countless donation drives for Haiti, Haiti relief funds and etc.

Now, I put myself into the shoes (if they have any) of kids with malnutrition all over Africa. People who lived their WHOLE lives in torture. If I were them and I see people who were well off than them getting more money and better treatment than them... well... I'd say the world is unfair.

Celebrities and wealthy icons tend to use this opportunity to gain some few seconds of fame by donating a large sum of cash to the victims. If you're REALLY honest and sincere, you wouldn't publicize it. Then again, they need the publicity for their business thus require the attention they get (Take the Tiger Woods incident, good/bad publicity is better than no publicity at all).

What I'm trying to say is, the world's a messed up place.

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