Sunday, May 15, 2011

500th post : Stress/Anger Management

Past methods :
-Play games

Present method :

Yea so in the past whenever I get angry at something or someone, I'd usually just hold it in and sleep it off and wake up fresh. What if neither of the two is available? After a stressful session of HoN even at the expense of my alienating myself from friends, I tried to calm down... cool down... but what to do? I thought of trying some other games.... then analyzed that the games I wanted to play may be too stressful/infuriating to cool down to... Eat? Sleep? Have a breath of fresh air (is what I did). Reading a book ain't stressful either...
Then I thought... hrmm I don't really have an easy-going stress free hobby... Probably should start looking for one...

PS : 500th post

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