Friday, May 6, 2011

Phones/ Smartphones updating softwares and drivers?

I remember back in the days of the Nokia 3310 (even though I only had it for about 2-4 weeks). Back then we didn't have to worry about software updates. Whatever software you get out of the box is what you'll be using the whole lifespan of the mobile phone.

Then came a new generation of phones which enables you to update its software by downloading updates. Well this was only during my SE K800i phase where I had to download updates for my phone (Though I'm not sure what it actually updates)... At one point I even began to install custom drivers for it...

Then came the iPhone which gave us updates after updates through iTunes. As well as the Android platform. These updates aren't like the updates I got from my k800i. These are full updates with changelogs that describes what the updates do/fixes/add/remove. These updates may even optimize your phone to make it run better or complete tasks faster.
Sometimes, an update can be so huge, it's like owning a new phone after applying the update.

Oh how far we've come from the 3310 days.

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