Thursday, September 23, 2010

Career Fair Fall 2010

It's that time again but it's different this time for me.
Usually I would just print out my resume on plain A4 paper with a cheap pathetic portfolio (cardboard paper) to bring with me.
This time, none of that cheap stuff. I'm serious this time. Special resume paper, with leather portfolio!

End result? Unknown and uncertain...

Overall this semester's career fair in general was horrid. Though it's better than the one during spring this year where about 50% of the registered companies couldn't turn up because of a blizzard. This year, because of the August floods in Ames, most of the usual indoor locations could not be used to cater this year's career fair. Instead, makeshift temporary tents were used and placed on uneven grounds.

Yea, this might seem like a good idea at first.... IF IT'S NOT RAINING THE WHOLE GADDAMN DAY! In the tent, the ground is covered with some plastic-fur-like-carpeting yet water seeps through with each step on it. As mentioned before, the ground below the carpeting isn't actually flat. There are uneven surfaces and areas where rain water collects. One wrong step and there goes your shoes. I'm pretty sure many who wore high heels or flip flops that day were not enjoying it one bit.
I thought it's been long enough for the indoors of Fisher/Hilton to be dried out and cleaned out. Guess not...
What impression does this give the registered companies towards ISU?

A plus side though is that since it's raining, cool air was being blown in the tents sardined with people. If wasn't cool enough, I'm sure people will be complaining about the heat instead... So either ways, hot or cold, TENTS MUST GO.

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