Sunday, September 19, 2010

Polka dot bikinis

Got me thinking again...
since that LMFAO song "I'm in ___ " came out, there's a part in the lyrics that go,

"Hey! You look kinda cute, in that polka dot bikini girl"

Think of how that affected girls from ever wearing a polka dot bikini.
Would they wear it more because they want guys to think of them like that song or would they wear them less because they're embarrassed of that pickup line?

And as for guys, you see a cute girl in a polka dot bikini, would the first thing that goes to your mind is "Hey! She look kinda cute in that polka dot bikini" with the same melody/rhythm as that song?

Also for bikini manufacturers, were there a huge boost in sales of polka dot bikinis or a drop in sales?

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