Sunday, September 16, 2007


Okay so maybe NOT to the point where everything freezes. The weather is still cold enough to make your nose feel like it froze and is about to drop off like Micheal Jackson's silicon nose.
The wind is about 33km/h at some point of the day. To give you a perspective on how strong that is, imagine a wind blowing at you and you felt like it could push you back if you were on a rollerblade/skateboard. Now add that wind power with the temperature of 3 degrees celcius. Yes, it's THAT cold.

Though weirdly, this chilly weather will only last for a week. Yeap, for the past one week I've been experiencing what seems to be the temperature of the fall season but next week onwards (Monday and beyonddddddd) it'll be almost as hot as Kuala Lumpur again. Though the nights will be as cold as last week.

Temperature aside, I'm currently running low on cash. About $160 left in my account and I wanted to get myself a new set of speakers.
Some of you might ask, "Why don't you work for the money?"
Well if you guys have read my previous posts, you would well understand that studying here isn't as easy as it seems. I've been struggling with homework that took up most of my time.
BUT~ now, it seems that I've found some help and managed to cope up with studies. I might be able to get a job by next week.

Note : I drank again last night......

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