Saturday, August 2, 2008

McDonalds of the past

Remember the time when you were once a kid (for those born in 1980s or very early 90s), you watch TV gleaming with joy after watching... a commercial of McDonalds and friends.

Looking at how the handkerchief magically floats up the golden arch. How magically the broom sweeps by itself. How alive those burgers were you'd actually thought it's alive. Yeah those were they days.

Those were also the days when the existence of other McDonald characters, such as the Hamburglar. I wish I could find those toys again but unfortunately I assumed my parents had thrown them away T_T
Or how about these play doh sets? Somehow I recalled myself eating the playdohs for some reason and I hope that's just a dream... Thinking of it reminded my tongue of the weird taste...

Also besides these playdoh sets, there's something similar to this but you use real food, yes, REAL food to make your very own crappy mini mcdonald products.
There's a juice maker (pour in juice to tank and put cup below, turn tap), burger maker(bread cutter that cuts Gardenia bread to circles, beef/chicken patty maker that supposedly minces the COOKED meat so you can put it to the patty maker that shapes the mince meat to patties) and etc.

Well, the closest thing I could find was this mcFlurry maker. (Though the real thing looks more similar to the play doh sets above)

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