Monday, November 28, 2011

Single but not alone

Read this from a friend's blog
"Single but not alone" - TheOC.

How true is this? Friends? Family? I really wish to believe this but I can't seem to get along with my family.
Friends? I know they can't be there all the time but I get the feeling that I'm being ignored most of the time. Yea, they could be busy with their own problems and life but I keep thinking "I must've said something wrong. I must've said too much.".
Where did I go wrong? What have I done wrong? or maybe it's just a face problem and I'm part of the definition of... "Forever Alone"

Or maybe everyone of us have a bad sleeping schedules....

Edit : Heres one I made on my own

And here's one I found which sorta explains my forever alone-ness

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