Thursday, November 3, 2011

Uncharted 3 : Drakes Deception , Quick Review

Possible Spoilers :

After watching trailers, gameplays and some reviews, I'm extremely hyped about UC3... heck I loved UC2 and it gave a lasting impression. UC3 however does not. In an attempt to give more background to Nathan Drake, the developers went all out on the story using a flash backs and various other gimmicks. Characters just disappear out of no where even though they were the main part of the story and never return even for the ending. Eg. Sully was in the beginning of UC2 and returned at the end. But in UC3... no one came back for an encore... Some events in the game are also questionable and were never explained. There might be subtle hints in the dialog but I may have to replay the game again to fully understand (Catastrophic Difficulty mode, here I come).

UC3 this time emphasizes a lot on hand to hand combat. Way more than UC or UC2. You'd be forced to closeup on an enemy because you weren't given any weapons or allowed to use them. Even so, at times I wondered how we are able to use our surroundings as weapons. At times I'm able to use a fridge to knock a guy out, toss my gun at an opponent to stun them or trigger their grenades... but HOW??

Just when I thought things were getting better, the game just ends... not the memorable ending in UC2... it just ends (Maybe cuz this time they didn't copy Firefly but instead Indiana Jones). I was expecting a lot more.

Another rant is how people can get motion sickness in this game... In some levels, you're literally tripping balls... and it lasts a few occasions in the game. I'm surprised I was able to stomach it and I have a feeling those using the 3D feature might not enjoy it...

Overall, aside from my rants, it was fun while it lasted. Quite possibly the best movie of 2011... but it still can't outdo UC2's story IMO.

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