Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Weird dreams : Uncharted Spy?

What I remembered from the dream last night...
In an airport trying to fly off somewhere. Apparently I'm an agent or something and trying to smuggle cash on to the plane. Cheated the system but the whole building started to collapse. Don't know how a dome shaped building appeared but it started to crumble and fall on everyone. I managed to escape since the airport refuses to delay the flights. Got on the plane which looks like a horrible army plane inside. In my head I kept going on and on hoping that I'd be given first class for all the shit that happened outside. Then I thought that it would be impossible since everyone else would've wanted the same thing. So sitting down, I tried to fall asleep only to have a trap door under my seat give way and I fell out of the plane and managed to survive thanks to a parachute under the seat.
Ended up in some desert area during the day.... after a few steps it turned night and I'm at the entrance of a small town... infiltrated the place stealthily and managed to find a weapons briefcase. Took out a crossbow and shot a guard in the head. He was still alive and started firing bolts back at me using his crossbow. I fired one back at him and hit his heart. He continued shooting at me... but I then noticed that I only had two bolts to fire and thought that I could use his bolts against him. As his shot was fired, I grabbed the bolt mid-air and used his ammo against him. This goes on for a while and he looked like a porcupine... he then stopped firing and walked up close to me and demanded that I stop using his bolts against him and that it was cheating. The other guards were then alerted...and that was as far as I could remember.

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