Monday, February 23, 2009

Appetite for Happiness (Gluttony)

"Eat to live; Don't live to eat"

Apparently right now due to my continuous phases of emoness, I'm losing appetite and losing sleep.

I remember my time back in high school where gobbling food during my 20 minute recess. Nasi lemak, hot dogs, and a cup of milo. Less than an hour later, my stomach starts growling for more.
Not just that, in family dinners I'd eat about 3 1/2 bowls of rice with the dishes.....

Now after moving to the states, homesickness and food that isn't on par with Malaysian food is causing my appetite to decrease. Add that with my current state of emoness.... and I can barely eat. I had to force it down or I wont survive the next day.
Even if I do eat, my metabolism rate has deteriorated to the point where I can't stay skinny anymore. I'm getting old. My organs aren't what they used to be.

Today at this moment, it's 3:30pm and I haven't taken a single bite out of anything. (Other than an intestinal cleaner which is said to clean up my stomach)

Since we're on the topic of food, I noticed that most of my female friends tend to eat alot when they're stressed. Apparently chocolate calms them down.
I envy them. Being able to fool their minds thinking everything's okay as long as they eat. Some of them are just like me, eat alot and never get fat. So they just eat whatever's infront of them without a worry knowing all their sorrows can be digested away.

Next post : Talking on the topic of "Envy"

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