Monday, February 23, 2009

Feedbacks on my emo posts for the month (Pride + Greed)

There has been people who sent me feedbacks and wrote them on their blogs. Yes I am aware that I have sufficiently enough.
I have friends. I'm alive. I'm healthy. I have food. I have some talent others doesn't have.

Well, as with envy, I'm greedy. I want more.
I want more friends.
I wanna feel more alive.
I don't just want to be healthy, I want to be fit.
I don't just wanna eat a 1 entree meal. I want a 2 entree. (with desserts... though this isn't happening lately as explained in my 'gluttony' post)

I'm rather demanding. Greed has taken over.

Regarding hand/leg/finger eye coordination, there's always someone better out there. I feel like I have to outbest them. Again, envy plays a part. I envy them if they're better than me.
Dota? Yes, I know I'm better than most players but again, if I lose, I felt a part of my pride is lost.

And btw, if you think I'm going on a downward spiral to my doom, worry not. When I emo, I reflect on myself and try to make myself a better person.
"Why do we fall Bruce? So we can stand back up again"
"A racer that hasn't lost a race will never know the true joy of victory"

Next : Sloth....

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